1. The data transferred from one system to another over public network can be protected by
the method of encryption. On encryption the data is encrypted/scrambled by any
encryption algorithm using the ‘key’. Only the user having the access to the same ‘key’ can
decrypt/de-scramble the encrypted data. This method is known as private key or
symmetric key cryptography. There are several standard symmetric key algorithms
defined. Examples are AES, 3DES etc. These standard symmetric algorithms defined are
proven to be highly secured and time tested. But the problem with these algorithms is the
key exchange. The communicating parties require a shared secret, ‘key’, to be exchanged
between them to have a secured communication. The security of the symmetric key
algorithm depends on the secrecy of the key. Keys are typically hundreds of bits in length,
depending on the algorithm used. Since there may be number of intermediate points
between the communicating parties through which the data passes, these keys cannot
exchanged online in a secured manner. In a large network, where there are hundreds of
system connected, offline key exchange seems too difficult and even unrealistic. This is
where public key cryptography comes to help. Using public key algorithm a shared secret
can be established online between communicating parties with out the need for exchanging
any secret data.
In public key cryptography each user or the device taking part in the communication have
a pair of keys, a public key and a private key, and a set of operations associated with the
keys to do the cryptographic operations. Only the particular user/device knows the private
key whereas the public key is distributed to all users/devices taking part in the
communication. Since the knowledge of public key does not compromise the security of the
algorithms, it can be easily exchanged online.
A shared secret can be established between two communicating parties online by
exchanging only public keys and public constants if any. Any third party, who has access
only to the exchanged public information, will not be able to calculate the shared secret
unless it has access to the private key of any of the communicating parties. This is key
agreement and is defined in section 2.
Apart from Key Agreement the other important applications of public key cryptography are
Data Encryption and Digital Signature, which are explained in sections 3 and 4 respectively.
1.1. One-Way function
In public key cryptography, keys and messages are expressed numerically and the
operations are expressed mathematically. The private and public key of a device is related
Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
by the mathematical function called the one-way function. One-way functions are
mathematical functions in which the forward operation can be done easily but the reverse
operation is so difficult that it is practically impossible. In public key cryptography the
public key is calculated using private key on the forward operation of the one-way function.
Obtaining of private key from the public key is a reverse operation. If the reverse operation
can be done easily, that is if the private key is obtained from the public key and other
public data, then the public key algorithm for the particular key is cracked. The reverse
operation gets difficult as the key size increases. The public key algorithms operate on
sufficiently large numbers to make the reverse operation practically impossible and thus
make the system secure. For e.g. RSA algorithm operates on large numbers of thousands
of bits long.
2. Key Agreement
Key agreement is a method in which the device communicating in the network establishes
a shared secret between them without exchanging any secret data. In this method the
devices that need to establish shared secret between them exchange their public keys.
Both the devices on receiving the other device’s public key performs key generation
operation using its private key to obtain the shared secret.
As we see in the previous section the public keys are generated using private key and other
shared constants. Let P be the private key of a device and U(P, C) be the public key. Since
public key is generated using private key, the representation U(P, C) shows that the public
key contain the components of private key P and some constants C where C is known by all
the device taking part in the communication.
Consider two devices A and B. Let P
device A, and P
Both device exchanges their public keys.
Device A, having got the public key of B, uses its private key to calculate shared secret
Device B, having got the public key of A, uses its private key to calculate the shared secret
The key generation algorithm ‘Generate_Key’ will be such that the generated keys at the
device A and B will be the same, that is shared secret K
Since it is practically impossible to obtain private key from the public key any middleman,
having access only to the public keys U
the shared secret K.
Examples of key agreement algorithms are DH, RSA and ECDH. The algorithms and
explanations are given in sections 6, 7.2 and 10 respectively.
During the key exchange process the public keys may pass through different intermediate
points. Any middleman can thus tamper or change the public keys to its public key.
Therefore for establishing shared secret it is important that device A receives the correct
public key from device B and vice versa. Digital Certificate helps to deliver the public key in
authenticated method. Digital Certificate is explained in section 4.1.
A and UA(PA, C) be the private key and public key ofB and UB(PB, C) be the private key and public key of device B respectively.A=Generate_Key(PA, UB(PB, C))B=Generate_Key(PB, UA(PA, C))A=KB=K(PA, PB, C).A(PA, C) and UB(PB, C), will never be able to obtainA B
Private Key = P
A(PA, C)B(PB, C)APublic Key U
Private Key = P
A(PA, C)BPublic Key = U
B(PB, C)A = Generate_Key (PA, UB(PB, C)) KB = Generate_Key (PB, UA(PA, C))Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
3. Encryption
Encryption is a process in which the sender encrypts/scrambles the message in such a way
that only the recipient will be able to decrypt/ descramble the message.
Consider a device B whose private key and public key are P
B and UB respectively. Since UBis public key all devices will be able to get it. For any device that needs to send the
message ‘Msg’ in a secured way to device B, it will encrypt the data using B’s public key to
obtain the cipher text ‘Ctx’. The encrypted message, cipher text, can only be decrypted
using B’s private key. On receiving the message the B decrypts it using its private key P
Since only B knows its private key P
It is important that device A receives the correct public key from device B, i.e. no
middleman must tamper or change the public key to its public key. Digital Certificate helps
to deliver the public key in authenticated method. Digital Certificate is explained in section
One of the popular public key encryption algorithms is RSA. RSA encryption is explained in
section 7.1.
B.B none other including A can decrypt the message.4. Digital Signature
Using Digital signature a message can be signed by a device using its private key to ensure
authenticity of the message. Any device that has got the access to the public key of the
signed device can verify the signature. Thus the device receiving the message can ensure
that the message is indeed signed by the intended device and is not modified during the
transit. If any the data or signature is modified, the signature verification fails.
For e.g. if a device A need to ensure the authenticity of its message, the device A signs its
message using its private key P
signature ‘Sgn’ to device B. The device B, on receiving the message, can verify the
message using A’s public key U
A and is also not tampered during the transit. Since only the device A knows its private P
A. The device A will then send the message ‘Msg’ andA and there by ensuring that the message is indeed sent byAkey, it is impossible for any other device to forge the signature.
ASgn = Sign(Msg, P
A) Status = Verify(Sgn, Msg, UA)If Status = 1 signature verified, else
not verified
Private Key = P
APublic Key = U
AMsg, Sgn
BPrivate Key = P
BPublic Key = U
BCtx = Encrypt(Msg, U
B) Msg = Decrypt(Ctx, PB)Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
The examples of Digital Signature algorithms are RSA, DSA and ECDSA that are explained
in sections 7.3, 8 and 11 respectively.
4.1. Certificate
As seen in section 2, shared secret can be established between two devices using a key
agreement algorithm by exchanging their public keys. However the credibility of received
public key has to be ensured for a secured communication. For example consider two
devices A and B establishing a shared secret. Both devices exchange their public keys. The
devices calculate the shared secret using their private key and the other device’s public
key. Now consider an intermediate point H through which all the communication happens.
If H captures B’s public key and sends H’s public key instead with B’s identity, then A will
end up in establishing shared secret with H and will communicate with H thinking that it is
communicating with B. This happened because there is no way for A to verify that the
received public key is indeed that of B. Here is where the Digital Certificate comes to play.
For data transfer in a network consider an authority trusted by all devices. This Trusted
Certificate Authority (CA) signs the public keys and the unique identifiers of all devices.
These signed data (public key, IDs etc.) along with the signature arranged in a standard
format is called as the certificate. All the devices that take part in secured and trusted
communication have to obtain a certificate from the trusted authority
Now the device A and B exchanges their respective certificate instead of public key. These
certificates are verified using CA’s public key. Even if the intermediate point H modifies the
public key or any other data in any of the certificate, the certificate verification will fail. The
public keys of the CA are generally obtained as self-signed certificate.
Still the problem is not over. How to get the public key of the CA in a credible way? Since
the CAs are few in numbers, the public key of the CA is obtained by some other trusted
method. For example, in cases of secure Internet surfing the certificate of CA installed in
the device along with the web browser.
The device that requires a certificate will send the certificate request to the CA. The request
contains the device data such as device ID and device public key. The CA first finds the
digest of the device data and CA specific data using a hash algorithm. CA then signs the
hash using its private key and combines the data and signature in a standard format to
form a certificate and is given to the device. The CA usually does some background check
to ensure the device is not hostile before issuing the certificate. An example of a standard
digital certificate format is X.509 certificates.
[7]On receiving a certificate, a device extracts the data from the certificate, checks the ID and
other data in the certificate. The signature in the certificate is verified using CA’s public
Signature Algorithm
Data Hash Algorithm
(Public key, ID, etc. of the device
and CA specific data)
Private key of CA
Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
4.2. Certificate Hierarchy
Trusting a certificate authority is a good idea for secured communication. But as the
number of devices taking part in the communication increases and the location of these
devices is distributed over different parts of the world, a central certificate authority may
not suffice to issue and maintain the certificate of all the devices. Certificate hierarchy is
the solution here.
In certificate Hierarchy there will be a trusted root CA who will give permission to other CAs
to give certificate to the communicating devices. The root CA will issue the certificate to
these intermediate CAs. These intermediate CAs then issue certificates to the device. In
addition to issuing certificate to the devices the intermediate CA’s will also give their
respective certificate, issued by root CA, to the devices.
There can be multiple levels of certificate hierarchy in which the intermediate CAs will give
permission to other CA to issue certificate to the communicating devices.
4.3. Verifying device certificate in Certificate Hierarchy
If a device A obtained a certificate from an intermediate CA, then it not only has its device
certificate but also the certificate of the intermediate CA, which issued the certificate to the
device A. If there are multiple levels of intermediate CA above the CA that issued certificate
to the device, the device will have certificates of all intermediate CAs up to the root.
Consider another device B taking part in communication with device A. The device B on
receiving the A’s certificate may request A the certificate of intermediate CA who issued
certificate to A. The device B may end up in asking all the certificate of intermediate CAs till
the root CA for successful verification of A’s device certificate. The device B must atleast
have the self-signed root CA certificate obtained by a trusted means to successfully
authenticate A’s certificate.
Trusted Root CA
Intermediate CA 1 Intermediate CA 2 Intermediate CA n
Devices Devices Devices
Verification Algorithm
Certificate valid or not
Hash Algorithm
Data from certificate
Public key of CA
Signature from certificate
Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
4.4. Safe Storage of public keys
The public keys are generally stored as certificates and the root CA public key is stored as
self signed certificate. Even though the security of public key cryptography does not
depend on the secrecy of the public key, it is important that the public keys/certificates
such as root CA certificate should be stored in a tamper resistant way. Public keys should
be stored securely such that any third party cannot modify it. If Root CA certificate is
modified then the attacker can make any certificate acceptable by the device thus
defeating the certificate and secured communication.
4.5. One side Authentication
It may not be needed by both the devices participating in the secured communication to
authenticate through Digital Certificate. In some client server architecture only the server
needs to provide its certificate to prove its authenticity and hence to create secured
channel. Once the secured channel is created the client authenticates/authorize itself by
providing a ‘user name and password’. In this case the server keeps the database of all the
authorized users. Only if the username and password are matched the server gives out the
‘secured’ information.
One side authentication is typically done in web server. If user tries to access any secured
website, the web site sends its certificate to the user. This is needed since the user does
not want to send his user name and password to a non-trusted website. If the certificate
cannot be verified the web browser will inform the user about the danger. On successful
verification of the server certificate a secured channel is established and the user will give
its username and password to the web server and this completes the
authentication/authorization process.
4.6. Two side Authentication
There are communications in which the device doesn’t keep any information such as
username/password of the communicating device. This happens typically in peer-peer
communication. In such cases both the devices need to have a Digital Certificate from a
trusted authority. Both devices exchange their respective certificates for authentication
during handshake of key agreement protocol.
5. Algorithms and Explanations
This section discusses a few public key algorithms and will also gives an explanation on
how these algorithms work. The algorithms covered in this section are
Key Agreement Algorithms – RSA, DH, ECDH•
Encryption Algorithms – RSA•
This section also gives brief introduction to modular arithmetic.
Signature Algorithms – RSA, DSA, ECDSA5.1. Modular Arithmetic
Modular arithmetic is the commonly used arithmetic in public key cryptography. Modular
arithmetic deals only with integers. Since it involves no floating-point operations, the
mathematical calculations are more accurate and efficient than the real number arithmetic.
Modular arithmetic over a number n involves arithmetic operations on integers between 0
and n – 1, where n is called the modulus. If the number happens to be out of this range in
any of the operation the result, r, is wrapped around in to the range 0 and n – 1 by
repeated subtraction of the modulus n from the result r. This is equivalent in taking the
remainder of division operation r/n.
For e.g. for modulo 23 arithmetic
n=23, Let a=15, b=20
(a+b) mod n = (15+20) mod 23 = 35 mod 23 = 12
Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
Since the result of a+b=35 which is out of the range [0,22], the result is wrapped around
in to the range [0 22] by subtracting 35 with 23 till the result is in range [0,22].
a mod b is thus explained as remainder of division a/b.
Subtraction and multiplication can also be explained similarly.
A negative number is added repeatedly with n till it can be represented in the range [0,n-1]
The modular division a/b mod p is defined as a*b
of b.
Multiplicative inverse of number b with respect to mod p is defined as a number b
that b*b
-1 mod p. b-1 is the multiplicative inverse-1 such-1 mod p = 1.5.2. Congruent relation
Modular arithmetic is a congruent relation. Congruence is shown by the symbol ‘
modulus n two numbers a and b are said to be congruent if a mod n = b mod n. i.e.
For example consider the modulus 7 i.e. n = 7
Then the numbers 2, 9, 16, 23 etc are congruent to each other since
(2 mod 7) = (9 mod 7) = (16 mod 7) = (23 mod 7) etc
≡’. For a≡ b (mod n) if, a mod n = b mod n5.3. Properties of modular arithmetic
P1. a
P2. a mod n + b mod n
P3. a+b
P4. a
P5. a
P6. Fermat’s little theorem, if M and p are coprime then M
P7. if p and q are coprime and also if a
≡b mod n implies a–b=k*n, where k is an integer≡ a+b (mod n), also true for other operators ‘-’, ‘*’and ‘/’≡b+a (mod n) , also true for other operators ‘-’, ‘*’and ‘/’≡a mod n≡b mod n implies b≡a mod np-1≡1(mod p)≡b(mod p) and a≡b(mod q) then a≡b(mod pq)6. DH - Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
Diffie-Hellman is a key agreement algorithm that helps two devices to agree on a shared
secret between them with out the need to exchange any secret/private information. The
DH standard is specified RFC 2631
[4] . An overview of the algorithm is given below.6.1. Key agreement Algorithm
For establishing shared secret between two device A and B, both device agrees on public
constants p and g. Where p is a prime number and g is the generator less than p.
D1. Let a and b be the private keys of the devices A and B respectively, Private keys are
random number less than p.
D2. Let g
D3. A and B exchanged their public keys.
D4. The end A computes (g
D5. The end B computes (g
D6. Since K = g
amod p and gbmod p be the public keys of devices A and B respectivelybmod p)a mod p that is equal to gbamod p.amod p)b mod p that is equal to gabmod p.bamod p=gabmod p, shared secret = K.6.2. DH - Mathematical Explanation
From the properties of modular arithmetic P2
a mod n * b mod n
Which can be written as
if a
(a mod n)
For all integers g
≡ a * b (mod n)1 mod n)*(a2 mod n)*… *(ak mod n) ≡ a1 * a2 * …* ak (mod n) ,i=a, where i = 1, 2, 3… kk ≡ akmod n ,therefore ---- [HX1]amod p)bmod p = gabmod p andbmod p)amod p = gbamod pab=gba,Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
Therefore shared secret K=g
Since it is practically impossible to find the private key a or b from the public key g
or g
abmod p=gbamod pamod pbmod p, it is not possible to obtain the shared secret K for a third party.6.3. One-Way function in DH
For device A, Let a be the private key and x = g
Here x
operation, but finding ‘a’ given x, g and p is the reverse operation and takes exponentially
longer time and is practically impossible. This is known as discrete logarithm problem
amod p is the public key,= gamod p is one-way function. The public key x is obtained easily in the forward[11] .7. RSA
RSA is a public key algorithm that is used for Encryption, Signature and Key Agreement.
RSA typically uses keys of size 1024 to 2048. The RSA standard is specified RFC 3447, RSA
Cryptography Specifications Version 2.1
[3] . Overviews of RSA algorithms are given below.7.1. RSA Encryption
Parameter generation
R1. Select two prime numbers p and q.
R2. Find n=p*q, Where n is the modulus that is made public. The length of n is
considered as the RSA key length.
R3. Choose a random number ‘e’ as a public key in the range 0<e<(p-1)(q-1) such that
R4. Find private key d such that ed
≡1(mod (p-1)(q-1)).Encryption
Consider the device A that needs to send a message to B securely.
R5. Let e be B’s public key. Since e is public, A has access to e.
R6. To encrypt the message M, represent the message as an integer in the range
R7. Cipher text C = M
emod n, where n is the modulus.Decryption
R8. Let C be the cipher text received from A.
R9. Calculate Message M = C
d mod n, where d is B’s private key and n is the modulus.7.2. RSA Key Agreement
Since public key cryptography involves mathematical operation on large numbers, these
algorithms are considerably slow compared to the symmetric key algorithm. They are so
slow that it is infeasible to encrypt large amount of data. Public key encryption algorithm
such as RSA can be used to encrypt small data such as ‘keys’ used in private key
algorithm. RSA is thus used as key agreement algorithm.
Key agreement algorithm
For establishing shared secret between two device A and B
R10. Generate a random number, key, at device A.
R11. Encrypt key by RSA encryption algorithm using B’s public key and pass the cipher
text to B
R12. At B decrypt the cipher text using B’s private key to obtain the key.
Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
7.3. RSA Signature
RSA Signature is similar to RSA encryption except that the private key is used for signing
and public key is used for verification.
Parameter generation
The parameter generation process is same as that in RSA Encryption. See section 7.1
Consider the device A that needs to sign the data that it sends to B.
R13. Let d be A’s private key
R14. To sign a data M, represent the data as an integer in the range 0<M<n
R15. Signature C = M
dmod nVerification
R16. Let M be the message and C be the signature received from A
R17. Calculate M’=C
R18. If M’=M, the signature is verified, else failed.
emod n, where e is A’s public key. Since e is public, B has access to e7.4. One-Way function in RSA
Consider the key generation equation R4, ed
Where e is the public key d is the private key. p and q are kept private but n is made
public. Since e is public, anybody who has access to p and q could easily generate the
private key d using the above equation R4. The security of RSA depends on the difficulty to
factorize n to obtain the prime numbers p and q. n is easily obtained by multiplying p and q
but the reverse operation of factorizing n to obtain prime numbers p and q is practically
impossible if p and q are sufficiently large numbers.
≡1(mod(p-1)(q-1)) and n=p*q7.5. RSA – Mathematical Explanation
From parameter generation equation R4
From the encryption equation R7
Cipher text C=M
From the decryption equation R9
Message M=C
Combining above two equations M = (M
≡ 1 (mod (p-1)(q-1)).e mod nd mod ne mod n)dmod n, using equation HX1
Similarly by combining signature and verification equation R15 and R17 we get
So to prove the correctness of RSA, it has to prove that
From the above equation ed
ed-1=K (p-1)(q-1) , which can also be written as
ed-1=k (p-1), and ---- [RX1]
ed-1=k’(q-1) ---- [RX2]
Where K, k and k’ are positive integers
Since any integer is congruent to itself it can be written as
Using equation RX1 the above equation can be written as
ed mod ned mod ned mod n, if≡1(mod (p-1)(q-1))≡1(mod (p-1)(q-1)) and property P1 it follows thated≡Med(mod p). i.e.ed≡Med-1*M(mod p),Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
Since p is prime, any integer M can either be a co-prime with p or a multiple of p.
ed ≡ Mk(p-1)*M (mod p), ---- [RX3]Case 1
From equations RX3 and RX4
: If M and p are coprime, then from Fermat’s little theoremp-1≡ 1(mod p), ork(p-1) ≡ 1k (mod p), i.e.k(p-1) ≡ 1 (mod p) ---- [RX4]ed ≡ M (mod p)Case 2
M mod p=0, also M
Similarly using RX2 it can be proved that M
Since p and q are prime numbers they are coprime to each other. Therefore by using
property P7 the above two equations can be combined as
Since M is chosen in the range 0 and (p*q–1)
: If M is a multiple of p, then Med will also be a multiple of p, i.e.ed mod p = 0, thus from congruence relation,ed≡M (mod p)ed≡M (mod p) for above two cases.ed≡M (mod p*q), by property P5≡Med(mod p*q)edmod p*q, i.e. M = Med mod n8. DSA – Digital Signature Algorithm
DSA is a public key algorithm that is used for Digital Signature. The DSA standard is
specified FIPS 186-2, Digital Signature Standard
[2] An overview of the algorithm is givenParameter generation
S1. Choose a 160-bit prime q.
S2. For an integer z, choose an L-bit prime p, such that p=qz+1, 512
is divisible by 64.
S3. Choose h, where 1<h<p-1 such that g=h
S4. Choose a random number x, where 0<x<q.
S5. Calculate y=g
S6. Public key is (p, q, g, y). Private key is x.
≤ L ≤ 1024, and LZ mod p>1.x mod p.Signing
Consider the device A that sign the data M that it sends to B.
S7. Let x be A’s private key and (p, q, g, y) be A’s public key.
S8. Generate a random per-message value k, where 0<k<q.
S9. Calculate r = (g
S10. Calculate s = (k
S11. The signature is (r, s).
k mod p) mod q.-1(M+x*r))mod q, where M is the hash SHA1 of the messageVerification
S12. Let M be the message and (r, s) be the signature received from A
S13. Let (p, q, g, y) be A’s public key. Since (p, q, g, y) is public, B has access to it.
S14. Calculate w = s
S15. Calculate u1 = (M*w) mod q, where M is the hash SHA1 of the message.
S16. Calculate u2 = (r*w) mod q.
S17. Calculate v = ((g
S18. The signature is valid if v=r, invalid otherwise.
-1 mod q.u1*yu2) mod p) mod q.Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
8.1. DSA - Mathematical Explanation
From S18, Signature is valid if v=r, to prove the correctness of the algorithm it has to
prove that v = r if signature is valid.
Form S17, v = ((g
But from S5, y=g
v = ((g
But from S16, g
u1*yu2) mod p) mod q.x mod p, i.e y≡gx mod p, i.e. using equation HX1, yu2≡gx*u2 mod pu1*gx.u2) mod p) mod q. ---- [DX1]x.u2=gx*(r*w mod q)=g(x mod q)*(r*w mod q)From P2 (x mod q)*(r*w mod q)
Using P1 (x mod q)*(r*w mod q)= (x*r*w)mod q + k*q
Where k is an integer, Therefore
From S3, g = h
Using HX1 and S2, g
By P6, Fermat's little theorem h
Substituting the value of g
But from S15, g
Substituting DX3 and DX4 in DX1
From S10, in signature algorithm
But from S14, w=s
Therefore equation DX6 can be written as
Since k<q, k=w(M+x*w)mod q ----- [DX7]
Combining DX5 and DX7 and using S9
≡ (x*r*w)mod qx.u2=g(x*r*w)mod q + k*q, i.e.x.u2=(g(x*r*w)mod q) *(gk*q) ---- [DX2]z mod p,q≡hqz≡hp-1 (mod p)p-1≡1 (mod p), i.e. gq≡1 (mod p)q≡1 (mod p) in DX2x.u2=(g(x*r*w)mod q) ---- [DX3]u1= g(M*w mod q) ---- [DX4]wM mod q+ xrw mod q ) mod p) mod q. i.e.w (M+xr)mod q ) mod p) mod q. ------ [DX5]-1(M+x*r))mod q i.e.≡s-1 (M+x*w)mod q ----- [DX6]-1 mod q i.e.-1≡w mod q≡w(M+x*w)mod qk)mod p)mod q=r. i.e. v=r8.2. One-Way function in DSA
Consider the equation S5,
public. Calculating y from g, x and p is a forward operation but obtaining x from the given y
g and p is the reverse operation and hence finding x is impossible for large numbers. This
is known as discrete logarithm problem
y=gx mod p, where x is the private key but y, g and p are[11] .9. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is relatively new technology compared to other public key
cryptography such as RSA. Elliptic key operates on smaller key size. A 160-bit key in ECC is
considered to be as secured as a 1024 bit key in RSA. ECC operates on the points in the
elliptic curve
The above equation of elliptic curve is in real coordinate. To make elliptic curve operation
efficient and accurate the elliptic curve can be defined in finite fields. Elliptic curve in two
finite fields, prime field and binary field, are defined by standard. In prime field operation
the elliptic curve equation is modified as
y2=x3+ax+b, where 4a3+27b2≠0.y2mod p=x3+ax+b mod p, where 4a3+27b2mod p
≠0. The ECC standards are specified in SEC, Standards for Efficient Cryptography [5]9.1. Domain parameters
There are certain public constants that are shared between parties involved in secured and
trusted ECC communication. This includes curve parameter
a, b, a generator point G in thePublic Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
chosen curve, the modulus
standard domain parameters defined by SEC, Standards for Efficient Cryptography
p, order of the curve n and the cofactor h. There are several[6] .9.2. Point multiplication
Point multiplication is the central operation in ECC. In point multiplication a point P on the
elliptic curve is multiplied with a scalar k using elliptic curve equation to obtain another
point Q on the same elliptic curve.
i.e. k*P=Q
Point multiplication is achieved by two basic elliptic curve operations
another point L i.e., L = J + K.
Point addition, adding two points J and K using elliptic curve equation to obtain•
another point L i.e. L = 2J.
Here is a simple example of point multiplication.
Let P be a point on an elliptic curve. Let k be a scalar that is multiplied with the point P to
obtain another point Q on the curve. i.e. to find Q = k*P.
If k = 23 then k*P = 23*P = 2(2(2(2P) + P) + P) + P.
In the ECC explanations given below upper case letter indicates a point in the elliptic curve
and the lower case letter indicates a scalar
Point doubling, adding a point J to itself using elliptic curve equation to obtain9.3. One Way function in ECC
The security of ECC depends on the difficulty of Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem.
Let P and Q be two points on an elliptic curve such that k*P = Q, where k is a scalar. Q can
be easily obtained from P and k but given P and Q, it is computationally infeasible to obtain
k, if k is sufficiently large. k is the discrete logarithm of Q to the base P.
10. ECDH – Elliptic curve Diffie Hellman
ECDH, a variant of DH, is a key agreement algorithm.
For generating a shared secret between A and B using ECDH, both have to agree up on
Elliptic Curve domain parameters. An overview of ECDH is given below.
Key Agreement Algorithm
For establishing shared secret between two device A and B
E1. Let d
random number less than n, where n is a domain parameter.
E2. Let Q
a domain parameter
E3. A and B exchanged their public keys
E4. The end A computes K = (x
A and dB be the private key of device A and B respectively, Private keys areA = dA*G and QB = dB*G be the public key of device A and B respectively, G isK, yK) = dA*QBE5. The end B computes L = (x
L, yL) = dB*QAE6. Since K=L, shared secret is chosen as x
K10.1. ECDH - Mathematical Explanation
To prove the agreed shared secret K and L at both devices A and B are the same
From E2, E4 and E5
K = d
Hence K = L, therefore x
A*QB = dA*(dB*G) = (dB*dA)*G = dB*(dA*G) = dB*QA = LK = xLSince it is practically impossible to find the private key d
A or dB from the public key QA orB, its not possible to obtain the shared secret for a third party.11. ECDSA - Elliptic curve Digital Signature Algorithm
ECDSA is a variant of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). For sending a signed message
from A to B, both have to agree up on Elliptic Curve domain parameters. Sender A have a
Public Key Cryptography - Applications Algorithms and Mathematical Explanations
key pair consisting of a private key d
the order of the curve, an elliptic curve domain parameter) and a public key Q
is the generator point, an elliptic curve domain parameter). An overview of ECDSA process
is defined below.
A (a randomly selected integer less than n, where n isA = dA*G (GSigning
Consider the device A that signs the data M that it sends to B.
E7. Let d
E8. Calculate m = HASH (M), where HASH is a hash function, such as SHA-1
E9. Select a random integer k such that 0<k<n
E10. Calculate r = x
E11. Calculate s = k
E12. The signature is the pair (r, s)
A be A’s private key1 mod n, where (x1, y1) = k*G− 1(m + dA*r) mod nVerification
E13. Let M be the message and (r, s) be the signature received from A
E14. Let Q
E15. Calculate m = HASH (M)
E16. Calculate w = s
E17. Calculate u
E18. Calculate (x
A be A’s public key. Since QA is public, B has access to it.−1 mod n1 = m*w mod n and u2 = r*w mod n1, y1) = u1*G + u2*QAE19. The signature is valid if x
1 = r mod n, invalid otherwise11.1. ECDSA - Mathematical Explanation
From the verification equation E19, the signature is valid if x
But from E18, x
1=r mod n ---- [EX1]1 is the x-coordinate of equation u1*G+u2*QAFrom E10 r is the x-coordinate of equation k*G
Thus to prove equation EX1, It has to prove that
Substituting the value of u
1*G+u2*QA = k*G1 and u2 from E17 the first part of the above equation1*G+u2*QA = (m*w mod n)*G + (r*w mod n)*QABut Q
But from E16, w=s
but from equation E11
Substituting k in EX2
Therefore xA=dA*G, therefore1*G+u2*QA = (m*w mod n)*G + (r*w*dA mod n)*G, i.e.1*G+u2*QA = (w*(m+r*dA) mod n)*G-1mod n, i.e s-1≡w mod n therefore1*G+u2*QA = (s-1*(m+r*dA) mod n)*G ----- [EX2]− 1(m+dAr) mod n, i.e. k≡s− 1(m+dAr) mod n1*G + u2*QA = k*G1=r mod n
Well defined article. I was confused while understanding the algorithm. You have mentioned all the steps but being a non technical person its not easy for me to process them. But the detail helped me to learn the meaning of this concept.
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